Thursday, January 28, 2010

free and easy...


it's so long since i'didint update my blog...
no time..hahaha ( sbnrnya my facebook je bnyk)..
hahah my office desk really serabut... ada..

1) wedding invitation
2) report Li student yg perlu dicheck
3) handbang yg hampir lusuh..(heheh need a new one)
4) MSK invitation (already organized yersterday but the invitation stiil on my desk.)
5) my official diary..
6) a book of friend's address
7) a file of my lecture note
8) 2 double tape and masking tape( alredy got yesterday.. hehehe)
9) a lot of stationary( bersepah2 k)
10 ) my 2 handphone... hahaha busy woman..

see that's a lot of things.. hahahah that's me if i have a lot of work...hahaha a lot ke?.. actually today i'm FREE... takde class. just assist.. tapi lab x stat lagi..

and take it EASY... hehehe walaupun meja memang ngah serabut tahan cipan... hahahha


izyan asimat

Thursday, January 7, 2010

~~setelah lama tak mengupdate~~

aduss lame giler tak update blog...
heheheh takde mood nak update..
minggu2 terakhir be4 new sem ni la baru nk menggatal update..
ok la tu...
lagi pon takde benda best nak diceritakan...
hari2 pun cam biasa.. heheh
just go with the flow...
tu je la entry kali ni.. hahahhaha

love all around me... hehehe

-end of the topic-

love :
izyan asimat

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