ari ni a lil'bit blur~~~~~~hehehe
baru balik course 3 hari kat MKM PJ... adobe photoshop BEST!!!!
missing Him a lot.... missing my family.. mak, abah, icat n adik...
lame x jumpa icat n adik...
sakit gigi melanda dgn truk 2 arini...
must GO to dentist ASAP!!!!!! huhuhuh tatot jumpa doktor gigi..huhu dr kecik pon.
bnyk planning nak buat... esp for 9 mei...
the important date for me... bday en poyo, n mother's day.... huhu
mom really loves u......
saat2 duka lara mak la yg ade.. she always know her daughter feeling...
memang takleh nak sembunyi kalo ngn mak...
dia mesti boleh tau....
mak... yan sakit gigi... huhuhu
who loves me???
1. THE ONE who giving LOVE
2. of course i know... my family... anything happen...
i know my family always with me... love me until THE END....
really x sedap bdn.. x sedap perasaan..
sakit gigi... sakit kpale... huhuhuhu
3. a new person in my life...
my beloved husband...
hope he will always loving me like i love him
hope this is our destiny...
hope we will be together here and after....forever...
thanks GOD for giving this LOVE..
4. my beloved friend who still remebering me....
my buddies who always here with me....
5. anyone who loves me because who I am...