hhhe wat day????
8 March 2009...will become my meaningful day... hoping everything will going smoothly..
although the preparation still not complete yet.. but I will try my best to make it all in it way.... this saturday we will go shoping for the ring and also for the 'hantaran'...
eventhough he always made a decision last minute... but sayang awk sgt... heheheh try to be the one for him... always by his side...
betol cakap org... nak tunang ni macam2 halangan... betol tu.. setakat ni da macam2... but alhamdilillah we manage to go thru it.. and hoping everything will ok until the day...
a lot of thing happen within this 2 week...
1)plan nak balik same2 last week but then dia outstation to kelantan n terengganu... last2 balik sesorg nasib baik follow icat...
2) plan nak bli barang dis week... ari sabtu... last2 dia tukar plan nak balik johor lak... and within bape jam tukar balik plan asal... nasib lum mintak cuti lagi
3) plan nk balik cuti ari jumaat.. last2 ari sabtu dia ade present lak.... huhuhu kene la balik sabtu... padahal esknye majlis....
and latest... cam kene tunda lak majlis nih.... huh mcm2.... sabo je la....
Langsir Murah di Sarah Hughes Globe KL
3 weeks ago