Thursday, January 28, 2010

free and easy...


it's so long since i'didint update my blog...
no time..hahaha ( sbnrnya my facebook je bnyk)..
hahah my office desk really serabut... ada..

1) wedding invitation
2) report Li student yg perlu dicheck
3) handbang yg hampir lusuh..(heheh need a new one)
4) MSK invitation (already organized yersterday but the invitation stiil on my desk.)
5) my official diary..
6) a book of friend's address
7) a file of my lecture note
8) 2 double tape and masking tape( alredy got yesterday.. hehehe)
9) a lot of stationary( bersepah2 k)
10 ) my 2 handphone... hahaha busy woman..

see that's a lot of things.. hahahah that's me if i have a lot of work...hahaha a lot ke?.. actually today i'm FREE... takde class. just assist.. tapi lab x stat lagi..

and take it EASY... hehehe walaupun meja memang ngah serabut tahan cipan... hahahha


izyan asimat

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